About Me

My name is Vaughn “Tehoweesonte” Sunday

I was born and raised in the Akwesasne Mohawk Nation in Ontario. I am a member of the Wolf Clan in the longhouse. I am the son of a Mohawk ironworker who survived residential school and a Mohawk language teaching mother. I attended Indian Day School as a child, and I speak my language.

My work experience includes 25 years of First Nation experience in Administration and Senior Management at the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, which is a very large and sophisticated First Nation. I also worked at a Band in BC as Executive Director for 3.5 years.

My academic education is a Master’s degree in Administration from Queens University in Ontario, and I am a Certified Aboriginal Professional Administrator (CAPA) with AFOA Canada. I also hold a Bachelor’s degree from Trent University in Ontario.

Let’s chat in real life! Give me a call today:

Vaughn Sunday