Products & Services

Strategic Planning & Implementation

I have been involved in many strategic planning exercises in various communities. The process involves an assessment of where has the community/organization come from (the past), where they are today (the present) and where it would like to go (the future). From this analysis, the community or organization can visualize where it would like to go. I have also implemented many strategic plans to completion within First Nations.

Council/Management Workshops

I have taught courses for AFOA Canada and NVIT in BC. As a private consultant, I have conducted workshops in Ontario, BC and Quebec. I have been involved in many Council/staff strategic planning sessions and implemented the vision resulting from these sessions.

Budget Workshops

Having worked in First Nation Administration and Sr Management for over 25 years, I understand the annual budget process and budget cycle. I have conducted budget workshops in Ontario and BC for the benefit of staff and the elected Council. I have introduced and implemented the management system in two First Nations.

Project Planning

My experience in project planning includes two housing subdivisions on reserve, a 6 km waterline, a Health Facility in cooperation with FNHA in BC, a strip mall, a series of 10 log cabins on reserve for tourism/leasing purposes, and an industrial building,

Capital Planning & Project Implementation

I have led, worked on and been part of the capital planning process and worked with the Federal Government, Provincial Government and staff to implement the capital plan. In Ontario the requirement is for First Nations to have a 20-year capital plan and although BC does not have a requirement for a capital plan, a 10 - year capital plan was developed and many projects delivered. The development of a capital plan allows Council and staff to work on capital projects and have continuity despite staff and leadership changes.

Real Estate & Housing

I have led two efforts with a team to develop two separate housing subdivisions. This initiative included a strategic plan for housing based on an analysis of the local need based on the housing backlog, composition of families, incidence of overcrowding and population growth. The infrastructure was planned and costed out, the lots were subdivided, and finally government applications for grants were forwarded. Both Subdivisions saw the construction of roughly 20 homes each which were built.

Governance Development & Nation-Building

I have developed policy and worked on such Nation Building initiatives as developing a business registration process in Akwesasne. I have initiated the development of a Justice program in BC, I have sat on boards and commissions to increase the amount of self-governance and jurisdiction for local government. I have organized workshops on self-governance and nation-building initiatives for the elected Council, which included a session on separating the political from the administrative and business arm of a First Nation.

Retail & Commercial Development

I was fortunate to have led and effort to develop a strip mall. This became the Peacetree Mall in Akwesasne. It is 16,000 square foot building housing 8 separate units for lease. It is located on a highway which connects the U.S. and Canada and houses businesses and the most successful on reserve Bank of Montreal in Canada. I have also taught economic development courses and developed an entrepreneurship program in Akwesasne.

Financial Management & Planning

I have worked on administrative budgets for many years. I have also led initiatives to invest excess monies with investment firms and financial managers. Most recently an organization invested in a conservative and diversified portfolio. After 2.5 years, it appreciated greatly and the fund had a great year growing by 15 percent. In the past, I have worked in 2 First Nation organizations that achieved 7 percent growth in their investment portfolios. I have been involved in a First Nation that had a deficit and been on team to rectify this budget issue.

Medicine Wheel

In reviewing local needs, it is good to use the medicine wheel as a starting point to assess priority areas and the health of a community.